Jetpack Compose Tricks: Conditionally Applying Modifiers for Dynamic UIs

Streamline your UI code

Modifiers in Jetpack Compose can quickly get out of hand when conditions get complex. You can create a Modifier extension function to only apply the modifier if a condition is met.

August 14, 2023 · ProAndroidDev

Preventing Font Scaling in Jetpack Compose

What to do when you really need to keep text from resizing and how to check how your composables look with different font scales using previews.

July 14, 2023 · ProAndroidDev

Using PreviewParameters and providing Composables to Jetpack Compose Previews

How to generate Jetpack Compose Previews from @Composable annotated data.

May 11, 2023 · ProAndroidDev

Typing on a Tiny Screen

How to implement user input for Android Wear OS

How to request user input using Jetpack Compose on Android Wear OS and how to chain several input requests to provide a great user experience - even on a tiny watch screen!

March 19, 2023 · ProAndroidDev

Effortlessly Add Pull-to-Refresh to Your Android App with Jetpack Compose

Up until recently, when using Jetpack Compose you needed to use the Swipe Refresh Accompanist library to implement pull to refresh. Now, the new stable API Pull Refresh is even easier to use!

February 22, 2023 · Google Developer Experts

Creating a Collapsing TopAppBar with Jetpack Compose

How to use the out of the box features to get a great result.

Using TopAppBar default scroll behaviours such as enterAlways and exitUntilCollapsed to create a collapsing Android app toolbar that can have a different style when expanded and collapsed.

December 14, 2022 · ProAndroidDev

It’s Time for an App Icon Makeover!

With new developments in Android 13 and other useful techniques you can make sure users like seeing your app take up some valuable home screen real estate!

October 25, 2022 · ProAndroidDev

The Best Advice I Have Ever Been Given

From one developer to another

I asked the developers at my company Bilue what was the best advice that they have received over their many years of experience.

September 27, 2022 · Bilue Product Design & Technology Blog

Expanding Dialog in Jetpack Compose

Using AnimatedVisibility and embracing reusability

Creating a smooth scale in and scale out animation for a Jetpack Compose dialog using reusable components.

September 11, 2022 · Bilue Product Design & Technology Blog

Card Flip Animation with Jetpack Compose

Using a Custom Layout and Target Based Animations

Exploring Target Based Animations, Custom Layouts and resetting remember states with Jetpack Compose using a simple animation of a playing card flipping.

September 5, 2022 · Bilue Product Design & Technology Blog